Saturday, 18 August 2012

Diy Expodisc Easily Get Your White Balance Right

We have in one of our earlier posts discussed about white balance and also about how to make use of the custom white balance settings feature in modern digital cameras. So in order to set custom white balance settings right, you need to point your camera to a white object in the scene or a white/grey card that you carry and set the image as reference for white balance in your future shots.

There is one product available in the market to make this process easier, you might have already heard of it, if not it is called the Expodisc. It is a device that you can mount on your camera’s lens. Expodisc is made of semi transparent material that allows light to pass through it. Remember it only allows some light to pass through and not shapes as a result all that the camera will see is the white light (depending upon the light source camera will see different shades in the white disk for example if you point your camera towards a fluorescent light your camera will see a greenish white and if you point your camera towards a light bulb the camera will see a reddish white). What actually happens is that the camera calculates the present images deviation from actual white light and applies that margin of correction automatically. So that you get accurate colours in your photos.

Here is the procedure for using expodisc Mount the Expodisc, switch your camera to manual focusing mode, point it to the light source with which you are going to shoot, click one picture and in your camera set it as the picture for white balance using custom white balance settings.

Well to me everything looks cool except that I do not wish to spend money just to get the white balance right in my images. Here is one simple and easy way to make your own diy expodisc.

Take a lens filter, the glass element need not be good because you could even make your diy expodisc without the glass.

52 mm UV Lens Filter
52 mm UV Lens Filter

For the white substance we choose the lid of our disposable lunch box. Any semi transparent white surface would do, if you plan to use paper use butter paper because plain white paper when used gives a yellowish shade.

Lid of Disposable Lunch Container
Lid of Disposable Lunch Container

Now that we have the raw materials let's make quick work of our diy expodisc.

Lens Filter Expodisc
Lens Filter Expodisc

First disassemble the lens filter take the inner ring and using it draw a circle on the lid through which you will cut.

DIY Custom White Balance Disk
DIY Custom White Balance Disc

Using a scissors cut out the round shape that you have drawn.

Custom White Balance Exposure Disk
Custom White Balance Exposure Disc

Now that we have our round piece perfect lets proceed to assemble it.

Exposure Disk DIY
Exposure Disc DIY

Re assemble the lens filter putting the cut plastic sheet in front of the glass.

Expo Disc DIY
Expo Disc DIY

Your diy expodisc is now ready for use.

Expodisk for Custom White Balance in Digital Photography
Expodisc for Custom White Balance in Digital Photography

The diy expodisc when mounted on our camera

DIY Home made Lens Filter Expodisc
DIY Home made Lens Filter Expodisc