Monday, 2 December 2013

How to Photograph Coins using Dark Field Lighting Technique

In the previous posts we have covered various tips and techniques for photographing coins, now its time to play with lighting setups to create works of art.

Here's a Coin shot using dark field lighting setup.

Coin Photography Tips
Coin Photography Tips

A little invention for dark field shooting: 

coin photography lighting tutorial
coin photography lighting tutorial

A black cardboard cylinder, with a small paper border at the bottom. This setup ensures, that the light for the coins really only comes from the side (through the white paper rim).

Here's how the setup looks from the top with a couple more flash units added.

dark field lighting setup for coin photography
dark field lighting setup for coin photography

And here's couple more taken using the dark field lighting technique for your inspiration.

coin photography tutorial
coin photography tutorial

coin photography using dark field lighting technique
coin photography using dark field lighting technique

Have Fun: Vicco Gallo

Related Reading

  1. A Complete Guide to Photographing Coins Using Different Lighting Setups
  2. Using Axial Lighting for Photographing Coins
  3. Infinity Focusing – What is it? How does it work? How to manually set a lens without a distance scale to Focus on Infinity?
  4. DIY Flash Extender for Macro Photography
  5. Relationship Between F-Stop Numbers and the Size of the Diaphragm Opening Explained