Friday, 31 January 2014

A Quick Tip to Get More Interesting Shots of Mountains

Ever wondered why most of the mountain shots we see look familiar? It even makes us wonder have we been there, or have I seen it before? The reason is simple; they are all shot from a very familiar angle, from the road at the bottom of the mountain. 

how to photograph mountains
how to photograph mountains

Photographing mountains from the ground looking up will create pictures that look very average coz that is how we are used to seeing mountains. The trick to make your mountain shots interesting is to show the scene from an angle that people don’t normally see. For example shoot from up high; to achieve this you can either drive as high as you can, hike the mountain or an adjacent one, set up your camera and shoot down on or across the mountains. 

mountain photography tips
mountain photography tips

This will picture the scene from a whole new point of view, one the viewers had never seen before, adding much more visual interest to the photograph.

Related Reading

  1. Professional Landscape Photography Tips - Shooting Landscapes in Vertical / Portrait Format
  2. Professional Landscape Photography Tips - Using Telephoto Lenses for Shooting Landscapes
  3. The Golden Rule of Landscape Photography
  4. 20 Common Mistakes Beginners Make in Landscape Photography and How to Avoid Them
  5. Professional secrets of Night Photography for Capturing Stunning Star Trails and Moonlit Landscapes